Aadhaar card is one of the most commonly used proof of Identity in India. It is a must for opening a new bank account to get a new sim card and even for covid vaccination Aadhaar card is required document. It contains a 12 digit unique number which is unique for every citizen and it is extremely important if you want download the e-Aadhaar in your Smartphone. You can download your e Aadhaar with the help of enrolment Id which contains 28 digit code and provided to you during the enrolment process.
In case you forget both Aadhaar number and enrolment ID there is no need to worry still you can download your e-aadhaar. Just keep these things handy Full name as per your aadhaar card and your registered mobile number for OTP
How to find your Aadhaar number or Enrolment number in case you lost/Forgot it
1. open UIDAI website https://uidai.gov.in/ and click on Get Aadhaar Option.

2. Click on Retrieve EID and Aadhaar Number

3. On next page select either Aadhaar Number or enrolment ID
4. Enter Full name as per your Aadhaar card and mobile number registered on your aadhaar for the OTP
5. Enter Capcha Submit the OTP and you will receive the Aadhaar number or enrolment ID on your registered mobile number. Now you can use this Enrolment ID or Aadhaar Number to download your E Aadhaar.
E Aadhaar download Process
1. On Homepage click on Download Aadhaar Option.
2. Selct Aadhaar Number if you have aadhaar number or enrolment ID Virtual ID

3. Fill the captcha and send OTP Enter The OTP and download your E-Aadhaar .
E-Aadhaar is password protected and the password is the combination of first four letters of your name in capital letters and year in YYYY format. For example, If your name is sudha and you were born in 1999 so password will be SUDH1999