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Walnuts – Newzli.com

Dry Fruits that Lower Uric Acid Levels

Hyperuricemia is commonly defined as a high serum uric acid level. High uric acid levels can result from the body producing too much or not excreting enough uric acid. The kidneys and urine eliminate uric acid from the body. Excessive alcohol consumption, genetics, kidney problems, leukemia, or obesity can all contribute to high uric acid levels. Certain foods can aid…

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Add these foods in Your diet to maintain the Hormonal Imbalance


When one or more hormones are present in your body in excess or in insufficient amounts, hormonal imbalance results. Hormones are potent messengers, and if your body has slightly too much or too few of them, it will undoubtedly cause some diseases that need rapid medical attention. Hormonal imbalances can be either short-term or long-term. Numerous medical issues, including irregular…

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Try these Super foods to naturally cleanse your Liver


The creation of proteins, cholesterol, and bile as well as the storage of vitamins, minerals, and even carbohydrates are all routine processes carried out by the liver. Minerals, carbohydrates, and vitamins are stored in the liver. It is a strong organ that can detoxify your blood, aid in digestion, and store vitamins for your body to use in the future.…

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