The start of Jio’s new AirFiber service in India was announced last month during the 46th annual general meeting of the company by Mukesh Ambani, chairman of Reliance Industries. The company recently launched the Jio AirFiber service across the nation in honor of Ganesh Chaturthi. Jio AirFiber is a comprehensive integrated end-to-end solution for high-speed internet, smart home services, and…
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How to check the online appointment date for a Passport
One of the essential papers provided to Indian residents by the Ministry of External Affairs for overseas travel is the passport. According to the Passports Act of 1967, it also acts as documentation of Indian citizenship, allowing the bearer to travel abroad. Most nations on earth accept the Indian passport as a recognized form of identification for travelling there. Read…
Read MoreProcess to send HD photos on WhatsApp
Users of WhatsApp may now send HD-quality photographs that are encrypted from end to end. The capability will be made available globally over the next few weeks, with the HD video option following shortly after, according to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Read More : Popular Frost Free Refrigerators available in India Users may now send HD photos, enabling their friends…
Read MoreProcess to prevent access to certain YouTube channels’ content
YouTube now provides much more than just the ability to view and submit videos, transcending the concept of a simple video-sharing platform. But the concept of uploading video is still around, and as a result, everyone has the ability to publish whatever they want as long as they abide by Google’s terms and conditions. Read More : Popular IFB Washing…
Read MoreHow to avoid damaging your eyes from sun and blue computer screen lighting
Our eyes are the body part that experiences the most stress during the day. Constantly staring at computer and smartphone screens might seriously injure our eyes. High Energy Visible, often known as Blue Light, is the region of the visible light spectrum between 380 and 500 mm, and is what these computer lights emit. These shorter wave lengths carry the…
Read MoreProcess to check EPF balance online
Employees’ Provident Fund is known as EPF. It is a retirement savings programme that is necessary for all Indian workers making up to Rs 15,000 per month. The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) oversees the EPF programme. It is a contributing system in which the employee’s EPF account is financed by both the employer and the employee. 12% of the…
Read MoreIntroducing a New Income Tax Payment Feature on PhonePe View The App’s Step-By-Step Instructions For Paying ITR
Users of the PhonePe app can now pay their income taxes through the platform’s partnership with PayMate, a major provider of digital B2B payments and services. Taxpayers may now pay self-assessment and advance tax from within the PhonePe app thanks to this new function named “Income Tax Payment,” which is available to both individuals and corporations. By doing away with…
Read MoreHow to Deactivate Your Facebook Account on a Computer or a Mobile App
Facebook was established more than 15 years ago. With about three billion active members each month, it is one of the most well-known social media platforms on the Internet, if not the most popular. There is a strong possibility that you have a Facebook account if you are reading this. Users have the option to deactivate or permanently erase their…
Read MoreProcess to move contacts from an Android Phone to an iPhone
It can be difficult to make the switch from an Android phone to an iPhone. It’s a whole different ecosystem, one that is more restricted and tightly knit. When it comes to moving data, there are a few methods you may ease the move. A Google account can be a shared location that can assist you in relocating your data,…
Read MoreHow to use Google Contacts to remember someone’s birthday
The Google Contacts birthday reminder feature is now slowly being distributed. Users of this function can get birthday notifications for contacts they have saved in their phone for friends and family. Google Contacts allows users to enter each contact’s birthdate, and the capability syncs with all devices linked to the same Google Account.Follow our detailed instructions if you want to…
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