Someone has blocked you on whatsapp;Let’s find out


Whatsapp is an instant messaging app which is used by millions of people worldwide. It has so many features you can block any user you don’t want to talk. Whatsapp will not tell that user that you have blocked him to maintain the privacy of users. But there are certain indications by which you can judge that you are blocked by that user. However there is not any guarantee that a contact may have blocked you. Let’s discuss how you can find easily that you are being blocked by someone.

1. You will not be able to see that person updated profile photo that has blocked you on its whatsapp.  

2.  You will not see that contacts last seen or online in chat window. But sometimes we cannot see a person last seen because he has disabled it from his settings

3. When you will send message to that person who has blocked you. It will show one check mark and will not show you double check mark which means that your messages are not getting delivered to that person.

4. If you will place a call to that person who has blocked you on whatsapp it will not get connected.

5. if you want to add him in to any group you would not be able to do that. That results in absence of him in that group.

6. you will not get his status updates on your whatsapp.

If you see the above indicators for a contact it could mean that the contact has blocked you but remember there can be other possibilities as well.

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